Thursday, July 12, 2012

Let's Get The Lead Out!

Saturday's wellness event also included Dr. Rashid Buttar, an internationally known physician who happens to reside in Charlotte.  He is somewhat of a medical maverick, going up against our country's system of allowing us (among many other things) to continue to be exposed to toxic metals (vaccines, dental fillings, etc).  People all over the world come to his clinic in Cornelius seeking alternative treatment for cancer and other chronic diseases.

Dr. Buttar's book "The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away" tells us the secrets of longevity and health; primarily detoxification of our bodies, a regulated immune system, and optimal hormonal balance.  (I got an autographed copy!)

In his talk, Dr. Buttar went over the 7 main toxicities that we are exposed to and adversely affect our health. He feels that if you can effectively detoxify your body, disease can not exist.  Here are the highlights from
his lecture.

Seven Toxicities:

     1) Heavy metals
           > Mercury is still found in vaccines and silver dental fillings (even though we are led to believe
> Autism is brought on by being genetically unable to detox mercury           > Hepatitis B vaccines given to infants are unnecessary and their undeveloped gastrointestinal systems are unable to handle the vaccine
          > There is still mercury in vaccines (although the FDA allows the label to not have to list it)
          > Alzheimers is also caused by mercury and can be treated with detoxing

     2) POPs - Persistent Organic Pollutants (i.e. air pollution, etc)

     3) Bacteria, Yeast, parasites (these suppress the immune system)
           > Taking daily probiotics is recommended

     4) Energetics (radiation,etc)
           > There has been a 500,000% increase in electromagnetic power in the past 20 years because of cell phones, computers and other electronic devises
            > You don't want to live or work in close proximity to big power lines
            > Keep cell phones out of the bedroom when sleeping (we charge ours in the bathroom) and for a better night's sleep, unplug all electronics in your room

      5) Emotional/Psychological Wellness
           > Your body will be out of balance when emotional issues are not dealt with, resulting in physical ailments, depression and compromised immune system
           > The first thing Dr. Buttar tells cancer patients who come to him for treatment, is to address this area and work on any deep-seeded issues, to be able to heal
           >  It is important to let go of anger and forgive everyone who has "wronged" you.....not for them, but for your own well-being.

      6) Food Toxicity
             > Any food that is processed, pasteurized, hydrogenated, fried or altered artificially (GMOs)
               He believes that raw milk is ok to drink

       7) Spiritual (your relationship with God)
             > Differences in religious views has always been a source of emotional and physical conflict. 
             > Bottom line is - when you fell so strongly about your religion that you impose your beliefs onto others, it becomes a toxic situation to your body.

Dr. Buttar is continually being harassed by medical and government organizations, accused of being "irresponsible" with his holistic methods of healing. He has spent $14 million to fight such lawsuits but is willing to fight the fight because of all the people who need and want his help. It takes brave professionals like him who have an inside view on what is really going on in the field of medicine and food industry, to present Americans with the truth. There is so much corruption and dishonesty with big business making huge profits at the expense of our health!

p.s.   I am obsessed with the one silver filling in my mouth and can not wait to get it removed!

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