Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Cook Up Your New Year Resolution!
It only took 2 1/2 years but at long last our Trim Up Cookbook is finally complete and hot off the press! Many of our members were eager to get their hands on it and start trying out the wonderful selection of recipes that are "tried and true". These are women who cook on a regular basis. But I realize that a cookbook is not top reading for many women who aren't interested in spending their free time in the kitchen! Maybe they are lucky enough to have husbands or chefs who do all of the cooking. Otherwise, I am really puzzled.....what exactly do people eat who say they don't cook? I guess they go out to restaurants alot or buy pre-made or frozen dinners or just make alot of sandwiches?
Well, I have some bad news. In order to lose weight (and keep it off) and be healthy YOU MUST EAT AND PREPARE YOUR OWN WHOLE FOOD! It really is true. Restaurant and fast food is loaded with trans fats, sodium, MSG, unhealthy additives & fillers, low-quality meats and excess sugar. The same is true with any processed or packaged convenience foods in the grocery store. Eating some of these foods occasionally is not so bad but when a typical day is Cheerios for breakfast, Starbucks skinny latte, Subway sandwich & chips for lunch, fat-free flavored yogurt for afternoon snack, Lean Cuisine for dinner and Weight Watchers ice cream for pm snack - not so good. Even though the daily calories may be low enough for weight loss, eating processed foods will have a negative effect on your metabolism, body fat and general health.
Here are some of the major problems associated with processed and restaurant food:
> Fried Food is Toxic
Fried food causes the fats in the food to become trans fats which means that the high temperatures cause mutations in the molecular configuration that your body does not know what to do with. Trans fats are one of the highest causes of cancer and heart disease. Just by avoiding fried foods (including chips) you can dramatically decrease your risk. Restaurants are in the business of making a profit which means keeping their food costs as low as possible which means low-quality ingredients including oils.
ps Doughnuts are the worst - fried plus tons of sugar
> MSG is Everywhere
One of the secret ingredients in KFC’s chicken coating is MSG. MSG is a flavor enhancer that works by stimulating the taste receptors in your brain to trick you into thinking that the food tastes twice as good as it really does and it makes the food addictive ("finger lickin good"!) Starbucks adds MSG to lowfat coffee for more flavor (and to keep you coming back each morning).
MSG is an excitotoxin that overstimulates the brain, which can cause brain cell damage and cell death (and is linked to headaches, strokes, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, and brain tumors).
> Aspartame
Another Excitotoxin, aspartame (Nutrasweet) is often used by food manufacturers to enhance flavoring of low-calorie or low-fat food. The chemicals in excitotoxins stimulate the taste cells in the tongue, causing the flavor of the foods we eat to be greatly enhanced. Although these "diet" foods are consumed to improve health, they are actually putting you at higher risk for neurological disorders, water retention and weight gain. Drinking just one diet soda a day is shown to cause health problems.
> Low Nutrients
If you eat a diet of processed foods, the calories taken in have very little nutritional content and you will feel hungry again in no time because of the lack of nutrients that your body craves. Which leads to food cravings and weight gain. And all of the marketing claims on packaging like "Fortified" and "Enriched" with vitamins is not even close to nutrients that only whole, unprocessed foods can provide. Popping a "One a Day" will not make up for the nutritional deficit . In order to protect your body from disease and illness, a whole food diet is essential!
Okay, so I know that for so many Americans, the thought of having to cook and give up drive-thru runs is really painful and you have to really want to make a change to be motivated. The New Year is the perfect time to start on a Eating Clean journey (Ladies, check out our Detox/pH Diet) since we are stuck indoors and have most likely packed on some holiday poundage.
In closing, I have some exciting news! Since I have made even more of an effort to cook and eat whole foods this past year, the results are showing in my blood cholesterol levels. My total cholesterol went down from 210 to 188, LDL (bad) down from 117 to 101 and triglycerides dropped from 115 to 71 !!!! I don't know what this says about my personal life, but that really was the most exciting news I've had in a long time!!
Merry Christmas everyone! And I hope you see some cooking inspiration under the tree - like a slow cooker, blender or Trim Up cookbook!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
12 Days of Fitness
Fitness is not first and foremost in everyone's minds this time of year but just because this is a busy month does not mean that exercise has to be totally ditched! Increased calories combined with no exercise will guarantee weight gain not to mention loss of energy, stamina and protection from illness. Even for those who work fulltime jobs, it IS possible to still maintain some form of exercise with a hectic schedule - it just takes a few adjustments, some flexibility and willingness to make it happen.
If you can't attend your regular gym sessions, make a back-up plan. A 15 minute cardio/strength workout first thing in the morning before you start your day is do-able - even without equipment. Jumping jacks, jogging in place, pushups, lunges or squats are easy to do and require little space. Just 15 minutes will make a huge difference in keeping your metabolism up.
Even though being a "mindless participant" and having trainers tell you what to do is what you pay for in group exercise, a truly fit person will strive to do some type of exercise on their own when schedules conflict with normal gym visits. And finding ways to work out while traveling on business, vacationing, visiting relatives or at home with a sick child shows how committed you are to one of the most important aspects of your life.
I love teaching Group Strength classes where we use body weight or free weights for resistance work along with full body movement to elevate heart rate. The workouts in this class are the most effective way to burn the most fat and calories while building strength, muscle and balance. While I am giving instructions on form, positioning, modifications and weight load, I always like to give details on the exercise - names for it, how it works and muscles targeted. Each of our members should learn enough about their workouts that they can walk into any gym with free weights and other equipment (like kettle bells, bands, bosu,etc) and know what to do. They should also be familiar with weight-bearing exercises like push-ups or planks to safely and effectively work out at home or anywhere with no equipment.
In keeping with the holiday spirit, here is my "12 Days of Fitness" workout that we will be doing in our Strength classes next week. It only uses a set of heavy dumbbells (12 or 15 lb) and light weights (8 or 10 lb). It takes very little space and you can do the full workout (just like the song) or shorten it by just completing 1-12 one time each.
On the 1st Day of Fitness, my trainer gave to me
- singing is optional :)(1) A Warrior Three (standing yoga pose)
On the 2nd Day of Fitness, my trainer gave to me:
(2) Inchworms (walk hands out to plank & then walk feet into hands)
And a Warrior Three (alternate with other leg raised)
***continue like the 12 Days of Christmas song, adding at each verse:
(3) Jump Squats
(4) Push Ups
(5) High Knees
(6) Dead Lifts w/ Reverse Fly
(7) Twisting Bicep Curls
(8) Planks with Leg Raise
(9) Tricep Kickbacks
(10) Weighted Jacks
(11) Sumo Squats w/ Shoulder Press
(12) Mountain Climbers
This should get your heart pumping and muscles fatigued - enjoy!!
Happy Holidays!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
I am Thankful
This has been the toughest year I can remember having since the mid 90's as far as emotional stress, in dealing with some family issues and husband's health concerns. I don't know why I always thought my life would get easier with age because it just seems to get more complicated!
Without a doubt, the only way I have been able to survive this year has been to focus on maintaining and improving my healthy diet, regular exercise and the daily support at Trim Up - from my daughter (my biggest fan!), friends and members. There are times that I start my day feeling a little discouraged and down but it doesn't take long for these wonderful ladies to lift my spirits and mood. Even though most of my members do not know details of my personal struggles, they have made such a difference in helping me cope and to keep a positive outlook - just by their good energy, laughter and show of concern. There is nothing like girlfriend therapy - we love to cheer each other on, celebrating the "ups" and reach out with understanding during each other's "downs".
Just like any other small business, it has been challenging to navigate this economy and to carve out a place for ourselves in today's fitness industry. Even though it can be stressful and a huge responsibility, the pay back is tremendous as I see the lives that are changing through our program. These women are so appreciative of my efforts to keep them fit, healthy and informed with the latest nutritional findings (that you won't get through the media). All of the positive feedback and steady growth shows me that our program is working, is very much needed and the most important job that I have ever had!
For all of those who are also struggling with stress from health, physical or emotional issues, here is what has helped me keep from totally losing it. While it is not possible to change people or circumstances, I think that it is important to focus on things that you are able to control and that support you physically and mentally:
1) Exercise - it will release endorphins (feel-good) hormones to ease or even prevent depression, counter the stress hormone (cortisol) that is surging and boost energy and immune system.
2) Diet - even though your brain may be pushing you towards "comfort food", what you need more than ever is a nutritious diet - eating junky carbs and sugar will only spike cortisol, creating even more stress in your body. And if you have health issues, it is critical to counter the effects of illness and medication with an alkaline diet of fruits, veggies, water and fibrous grains.
3) Support - it does help to talk through problems with friends or family and know that others care. I am also a big advocate of professional counseling.
4) Positivity/Faith - surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who help you remember that it may not be perfect, but no matter what, Life is Good! Daily positive affirmations or prayer help to keep the negative thoughts out of your head.
So this Thanksgiving my Trim Up family is included in my many blessings and joys in life. (And I can not
forget that none of this would be possible without the support and patience of my dear husband!) And I hope that TUF has been an important
part of our members' lives as well!
Debi :)
Without a doubt, the only way I have been able to survive this year has been to focus on maintaining and improving my healthy diet, regular exercise and the daily support at Trim Up - from my daughter (my biggest fan!), friends and members. There are times that I start my day feeling a little discouraged and down but it doesn't take long for these wonderful ladies to lift my spirits and mood. Even though most of my members do not know details of my personal struggles, they have made such a difference in helping me cope and to keep a positive outlook - just by their good energy, laughter and show of concern. There is nothing like girlfriend therapy - we love to cheer each other on, celebrating the "ups" and reach out with understanding during each other's "downs".
Just like any other small business, it has been challenging to navigate this economy and to carve out a place for ourselves in today's fitness industry. Even though it can be stressful and a huge responsibility, the pay back is tremendous as I see the lives that are changing through our program. These women are so appreciative of my efforts to keep them fit, healthy and informed with the latest nutritional findings (that you won't get through the media). All of the positive feedback and steady growth shows me that our program is working, is very much needed and the most important job that I have ever had!
For all of those who are also struggling with stress from health, physical or emotional issues, here is what has helped me keep from totally losing it. While it is not possible to change people or circumstances, I think that it is important to focus on things that you are able to control and that support you physically and mentally:
1) Exercise - it will release endorphins (feel-good) hormones to ease or even prevent depression, counter the stress hormone (cortisol) that is surging and boost energy and immune system.
2) Diet - even though your brain may be pushing you towards "comfort food", what you need more than ever is a nutritious diet - eating junky carbs and sugar will only spike cortisol, creating even more stress in your body. And if you have health issues, it is critical to counter the effects of illness and medication with an alkaline diet of fruits, veggies, water and fibrous grains.
3) Support - it does help to talk through problems with friends or family and know that others care. I am also a big advocate of professional counseling.
4) Positivity/Faith - surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who help you remember that it may not be perfect, but no matter what, Life is Good! Daily positive affirmations or prayer help to keep the negative thoughts out of your head.
So this Thanksgiving my Trim Up family is included in my many blessings and joys in life. (And I can not
forget that none of this would be possible without the support and patience of my dear husband!) And I hope that TUF has been an important
part of our members' lives as well!
Debi :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Looks like it is time to VEG out!
I just got back from another AFPA Fitness Conference and am once again so inspired and excited to share what I've learned with others. I attended more nutritional lectures this year and only a few exercise workshops because the topics and information was so interesting and important to my business and personal
health. This year the buzz was about Plant protein vs Animal protein and that debate was addressed in several lectures including "Women's Health", "Anti-Cancer Diet", "Analyzing Popular Diets", "Eat to Win" and "Healthier Eating Habits".
The information presented are based on the latest published research and scientific fact but is not going to be available to the general population through media because it is controversial. The food industry is big business and politically connected so even scientifically-proven nutritional info that will benefit Americans'
health will not be public knowledge because it hurts corporate profits. The FDA is a very powerful and politically influenced organization - not exactly who we can count on to protect our health and well-being.
So, the things that were eye-openers for me that I will make an effort to change in my diet are:
1) Dairy - Cow's milk (casein) is the most carcinogenic (cancer growing) animal product that humans consume. Calcium is best absorbed by eating spinach and other leafy green vegetables. There is a reason why so many people are lactose-intolerant - animal milk is not meant for human diets (especially infants and children) And the high level of growth hormones in cows that we ingest accelerates weight gain and sex hormonal imbalances.
( I am sticking with almond milk, cutting back on cheese & yogurt and switching to brown rice protein powder)
2) Animal Based Foods - Are highly acidic and fight our natural pH, causing all kinds of inflammation from joint pain to allergies as well as weakened immune system and cancer cell growth. Over 25 grams of animal protein per day is considered toxic to our bodies.
(I am keeping animal protein servings to 4 oz at each meal, only 1x per day, and supplementing with more beans, grains and plant protein)
3) Plant Based Foods - Are alkaline, which supports our bodies healthy pH levels, and supply higher quality sources of protein that are more readily absorbed. Cancer can not thrive in an alkaline environment and alkaline foods support our immune system.
(I am going to try to eat more like a vegan and less like a carnivore)
4) Digestion - Chewing food fully releases enzymes that help digest food and absorb more nutrients. We should not drink with a meal to avoid "washing" down food.
( I am going to work on eating more slowly and chewing more like a cow!)
5) Liver - All toxins in animals end up in their liver first and then their fat cells.
(No more chicken liver for me!)
6) Peanuts - They are actually very moldy and toxic- not a good nut to snack on. No wonder there are so many people allergic to them!
(Sunflower Seed Butter is very good!)
7) Microwaving - Will destroy nutrients and anti-oxidants in fruits and vegetables.
(No more frozen microwave veggies!)
8) Exercise - If you exercise with a high acidic (animal based) diet, the increased oxygen creates an environment for cancer to grow.
(Need to remind my customers to eat their veggies!)
So, I know this new, research-based information can be hard to "digest" and many will not want to believe it. I feel like it is my responsibility as a fitness professional/business owner to pass along the facts to my customers (and any one else who will listen!) Having had 2 forms of skin cancer myself, I certainly want to do everything I can to stay cancer-free. And I want to be as healthy, active and disease-free as possible to enjoy my life to the fullest, as I head into my "Grandmother" years. Giving up certain foods to accomplish this is definitely worth it. I just finished the homeopathic hCG detox diet and know that I CAN survive without sugar, alcohol and processed foods after eliminating them for a whole month. It just takes some time to get the cravings out of your system but motivation and willpower helps!
Save a cow - eat your vegetables!
health. This year the buzz was about Plant protein vs Animal protein and that debate was addressed in several lectures including "Women's Health", "Anti-Cancer Diet", "Analyzing Popular Diets", "Eat to Win" and "Healthier Eating Habits".
The information presented are based on the latest published research and scientific fact but is not going to be available to the general population through media because it is controversial. The food industry is big business and politically connected so even scientifically-proven nutritional info that will benefit Americans'
health will not be public knowledge because it hurts corporate profits. The FDA is a very powerful and politically influenced organization - not exactly who we can count on to protect our health and well-being.
So, the things that were eye-openers for me that I will make an effort to change in my diet are:
1) Dairy - Cow's milk (casein) is the most carcinogenic (cancer growing) animal product that humans consume. Calcium is best absorbed by eating spinach and other leafy green vegetables. There is a reason why so many people are lactose-intolerant - animal milk is not meant for human diets (especially infants and children) And the high level of growth hormones in cows that we ingest accelerates weight gain and sex hormonal imbalances.
( I am sticking with almond milk, cutting back on cheese & yogurt and switching to brown rice protein powder)
2) Animal Based Foods - Are highly acidic and fight our natural pH, causing all kinds of inflammation from joint pain to allergies as well as weakened immune system and cancer cell growth. Over 25 grams of animal protein per day is considered toxic to our bodies.
(I am keeping animal protein servings to 4 oz at each meal, only 1x per day, and supplementing with more beans, grains and plant protein)
3) Plant Based Foods - Are alkaline, which supports our bodies healthy pH levels, and supply higher quality sources of protein that are more readily absorbed. Cancer can not thrive in an alkaline environment and alkaline foods support our immune system.
(I am going to try to eat more like a vegan and less like a carnivore)
4) Digestion - Chewing food fully releases enzymes that help digest food and absorb more nutrients. We should not drink with a meal to avoid "washing" down food.
( I am going to work on eating more slowly and chewing more like a cow!)
5) Liver - All toxins in animals end up in their liver first and then their fat cells.
(No more chicken liver for me!)
6) Peanuts - They are actually very moldy and toxic- not a good nut to snack on. No wonder there are so many people allergic to them!
(Sunflower Seed Butter is very good!)
7) Microwaving - Will destroy nutrients and anti-oxidants in fruits and vegetables.
(No more frozen microwave veggies!)
8) Exercise - If you exercise with a high acidic (animal based) diet, the increased oxygen creates an environment for cancer to grow.
(Need to remind my customers to eat their veggies!)
So, I know this new, research-based information can be hard to "digest" and many will not want to believe it. I feel like it is my responsibility as a fitness professional/business owner to pass along the facts to my customers (and any one else who will listen!) Having had 2 forms of skin cancer myself, I certainly want to do everything I can to stay cancer-free. And I want to be as healthy, active and disease-free as possible to enjoy my life to the fullest, as I head into my "Grandmother" years. Giving up certain foods to accomplish this is definitely worth it. I just finished the homeopathic hCG detox diet and know that I CAN survive without sugar, alcohol and processed foods after eliminating them for a whole month. It just takes some time to get the cravings out of your system but motivation and willpower helps!
Save a cow - eat your vegetables!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Gimme a h ! C ! G !
OK, so I thought that my diet was pretty darn good - ate lots of protein & veggies, used coconut oil, only ate out occasionally, no soda, ate every 3-4 hours and tried not to use processed foods. I did drink chardonnay - but only on the weekends. Of course I exercise alot - strength training 3-4x a week and cardio 3-4x a week. So why was I not losing the excess belly weight that kept lingering from early stages of menopause years ago? My legs were getting skinnier, my shoulders and back looked really "cut" and I was finally building a butt from weight training.....but the belly would not budge! I also wanted to have less bodyfat on my upper arms to see more muscle definition from all of my hard work.
I had been hearing alot about the hCG diet centers and knew a few women who had lost alot of weight - quickly - on their plans so I started investigating. After alot of research, I found a homeopathic hCG and modified diet plan that targets stored fat around belly, hips, thighs and upper arms and is supposed to work as well as the pharmaceutical hCG but without any risk of side effects. Knowing firsthand how extremely difficult it is for women to lose this excess fat, and how a diet like this could jumpstart our fat loss efforts, I bought a sample bottle and set out to test it myself. If I did well, this would be Trim Up's New Year Resolution miracle diet! (btw, I did offer the hCG diet to a test group at Trim Up last week so they could finish before Thanksgiving and so far they are very pleased and losing weight quickly-more on them later)
The hCG drops are all natural but supposed to reset your body's fat-burning to reach that bad "white fat" that stores up from eating sugar, carbs and processed foods, etc. The first 2 days are "loading days" in which you are required to eat everything in sight - as much fat as possible. That was surprisingly hard for me to accomplish as I felt so guilty! I did not realize until days later how important the loading is in helping to curb your hunger during the first week and hate that I missed out on a chance to eat a package of french creme horns (that I have not had in 10 years!).
After the loading days begins the low calorie phase - 2 weeks of 800 calories per day (more when exercising) that consists of whey protein shakes, lean chicken, turkey, beef or fish, green veggies, a few eggs, 2 servings of certain fruit and rice crackers. If you eat any other carbs or sugar, the diet is ruined and you may as well stop taking the hCG. I am on the last day of this phase and I am proud to say that I DID NOT CHEAT! The toughest part was getting through the first weekend without wine but by the second weekend, it was so much easier. Guess I am losing my carb cravings.
What helps to keep you going and motivated is the quick weight loss. To see the scales go down every morning makes the willpower stronger! I have lost 8 lbs and 2 inches from my waist so far and I feel amazing! I will continue for 3 more weeks by adding more calories and more food choices but still no sugar or carbs even though I am finished taking the drops.
This diet serves many purposes including 1) it is a natural detox by eliminating all processed food, soda, artificial sweeteners and alcohol, 2) it is hypoallergenic by eliminating foods that tend to cause food sensitivities like gluten & dairy, 3) it is low-glycemic by only allowing foods that will not raise blood sugar and then spike insulin (fat-storing hormone), 4) it boosts your metabolism with high protein & eating every few hours, and 5) it makes you more aware of the calorie, fat and sugar content of foods by keeping a food journal.
Here are some things that I learned these past 2 weeks while on my hCG diet:
> I realize now that I had been eating way too many calories - even though healthy choices (like nuts) > If you wait about 10 minutes after feeling hungry, it will go away if you just wanted something to eat but weren't truly hungry
> I prefer scrambled eggs with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites - they are much fluffier!
> Drinking orange juice first thing in the morning before eating was not good for my blood sugar and insulin!
> My beloved wine was not helping my waistline.
> I feel more energetic eating this way - even on low calories.
> You will need a daily fiber supplement the first 2 weeks.
> You will not be able to go out to eat in a restaurant during these first 2 weeks
> Don't be surprised if people become uncomfortable or even irritated around you when you are passing up the fatty food, carbs and alcohol. Maybe the fact that you are committed to "eating clean" makes them feel bad about their nutritional habits or weight.....misery loves company? Or some people just don't like change....especially if you are the cook of the household.
Once I complete the remaining 3 weeks I will give total bodyfat and inches lost and also reveal my before and after photos!
I had been hearing alot about the hCG diet centers and knew a few women who had lost alot of weight - quickly - on their plans so I started investigating. After alot of research, I found a homeopathic hCG and modified diet plan that targets stored fat around belly, hips, thighs and upper arms and is supposed to work as well as the pharmaceutical hCG but without any risk of side effects. Knowing firsthand how extremely difficult it is for women to lose this excess fat, and how a diet like this could jumpstart our fat loss efforts, I bought a sample bottle and set out to test it myself. If I did well, this would be Trim Up's New Year Resolution miracle diet! (btw, I did offer the hCG diet to a test group at Trim Up last week so they could finish before Thanksgiving and so far they are very pleased and losing weight quickly-more on them later)
The hCG drops are all natural but supposed to reset your body's fat-burning to reach that bad "white fat" that stores up from eating sugar, carbs and processed foods, etc. The first 2 days are "loading days" in which you are required to eat everything in sight - as much fat as possible. That was surprisingly hard for me to accomplish as I felt so guilty! I did not realize until days later how important the loading is in helping to curb your hunger during the first week and hate that I missed out on a chance to eat a package of french creme horns (that I have not had in 10 years!).
After the loading days begins the low calorie phase - 2 weeks of 800 calories per day (more when exercising) that consists of whey protein shakes, lean chicken, turkey, beef or fish, green veggies, a few eggs, 2 servings of certain fruit and rice crackers. If you eat any other carbs or sugar, the diet is ruined and you may as well stop taking the hCG. I am on the last day of this phase and I am proud to say that I DID NOT CHEAT! The toughest part was getting through the first weekend without wine but by the second weekend, it was so much easier. Guess I am losing my carb cravings.
What helps to keep you going and motivated is the quick weight loss. To see the scales go down every morning makes the willpower stronger! I have lost 8 lbs and 2 inches from my waist so far and I feel amazing! I will continue for 3 more weeks by adding more calories and more food choices but still no sugar or carbs even though I am finished taking the drops.
This diet serves many purposes including 1) it is a natural detox by eliminating all processed food, soda, artificial sweeteners and alcohol, 2) it is hypoallergenic by eliminating foods that tend to cause food sensitivities like gluten & dairy, 3) it is low-glycemic by only allowing foods that will not raise blood sugar and then spike insulin (fat-storing hormone), 4) it boosts your metabolism with high protein & eating every few hours, and 5) it makes you more aware of the calorie, fat and sugar content of foods by keeping a food journal.
Here are some things that I learned these past 2 weeks while on my hCG diet:
> I realize now that I had been eating way too many calories - even though healthy choices (like nuts) > If you wait about 10 minutes after feeling hungry, it will go away if you just wanted something to eat but weren't truly hungry
> I prefer scrambled eggs with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites - they are much fluffier!
> Drinking orange juice first thing in the morning before eating was not good for my blood sugar and insulin!
> My beloved wine was not helping my waistline.
> I feel more energetic eating this way - even on low calories.
> You will need a daily fiber supplement the first 2 weeks.
> You will not be able to go out to eat in a restaurant during these first 2 weeks
> Don't be surprised if people become uncomfortable or even irritated around you when you are passing up the fatty food, carbs and alcohol. Maybe the fact that you are committed to "eating clean" makes them feel bad about their nutritional habits or weight.....misery loves company? Or some people just don't like change....especially if you are the cook of the household.
Once I complete the remaining 3 weeks I will give total bodyfat and inches lost and also reveal my before and after photos!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Weight Training for Weight Loss
Back in the day..... late 80's to mid 90's..... I was the "Cardio Queen" as owner and instructor at the first Trim Up. Fitness was all about aerobics, with a few light weights thrown in now and then.
(notice my Jumbo sweet tea in the corner
- my fuel of choice back then)
Since re-opening Trim Up 4 years ago, I've often wondered why so many of my members from the old place who I've been in contact with, don't exercise like they used to. And why so many women don't keep up with regular exercise, especially when they seem to have plenty of time once the kids have grown up. These are intelligent women who realize the importance of exercise for basic health and wellness.
Sometimes I believe it is a case of imbalanced hormones, stemming from menopause and lack of estrogen and testosterone, that causes fatigue and low motivation. I have known many women who have been prescribed antidepressants (myself included) because of their symptoms when all they needed was hormone replacement therapy.
Which leads me to why I think so many women aren't making time to take care of their health through fitness....Depression. This is becoming more common in women over age 40, especially with all of
our economical chaos and uncertainty with jobs and retirement. Women tend to be worriers anyway and many are carrying more of a financial burden in their families these days. It can be easy to get bogged down by job stress and not take time for ourselves, which can lead to depression.
At this age, a lot of women are dealing with aging parents, often taking on the role of caregiver. Some are helping with the care of grandchildren. Others are dealing with the empty nest and feeling a loss of indentity without an active role of being "Soccer Mom". Others are dealing with divorce or struggling personal relationships.
And then there is grief from the loss of a loved one or living with an ill family member or having some medical issues yourself. And lastly, there are those who suffer from recurring, hereditary depression.
It is ironic that the last thing any of these women want to do is exercise but that is exactly what they need the most! Exercise has been proven to help treat mild to moderate depression, often in place of medication.
When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that trigger a positive feeling, similar to that of morphine. That feeling helps to produce a positive and energizing outlook on life. Regular exercise will reduce stress, ward off anxiety and feelings of depression, boost self-esteem and improve sleep.
There are few people who make it through life without some periods of at least mild depression just due to pressures of everyday stress. The best thing to do is to make regular exercise a part of your routine, to keep
up your mental as well as physical health. Group exercise is even more beneficial, because of the strong social support.
Just like diabetes, that needs to be managed with proper diet and exercise, depression is a condition that needs to be recognized and treated. One day insurance companies and employers will wise up and make fitness programs reimbursable and doctors will prescribe exercise instead of drugs!
OK, this is probably the last guy that overweight women would ask for advice on how to transform their bodies. But in general, observing the habits, training and eating patterns of bodybuilders can work wonders
for women, especially as we age, in achieving a leaner body and lasting weightloss.
Losing weight is normally easy - just eat less and exercise, right? - but bodybuilders will tell you that FAT loss is extremely difficult. Most weightloss by women also includes muscle and bone loss. The key to any successful diet is to lose bodyfat while maintaining muscle density, which is a constant challenge for serious
bodybuilders. Here are some basic principles that are common sense in the bodybuilding community that can be used effectively by women:
Do you ever see bodybuilders drinking Slimfast? Didn't think so.....they know that drinking products high in sugar and low in protein is a killer in a weightloss program. It hasn't been until recently that our country has embraced the "low carb, high protein" diet when it has been advocated for decades by bodybuilders.
Women should make a special effort to increase protein while dieting to maintain and increase muscle mass.
The combination of low total calories, aerobic exercise and decreased protein intake will cause the body to
literally strip muscle off the body (which is part of the fast weightloss) - a mistake no bodybuilder would make.
Protein is the key - consuming at a minimum 20% of total calories each day - to obtaining a strong, lean
body. The highest quality of protein with the lowest calories is whey protein powder. There is a reason why protein powders and shakes fill the shelves of vitamin stores....they are absolutely essential to getting the most out of your strength training program. The reason for weight gain as we age is a drop in metabolism caused mostly from loss of muscle. We lose 1-2% a year after age 50! A protein shake or smoothie after a workout should be habit along with supplementing with whey protein each day to meet the daily protein requirements. I like to blend up a smoothie or shake for a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. It will also help with appetite control and energy.
"Eating Clean" is a term well known in the bodybuilding world that means you are only eating whole foods and no processed food. It may seem bland at first, until your taste buds adjust to the flavor of real food and you lose the taste for artificial flavoring and high fat and sugar additives.
Bodybuilders also know that they can not build muscle without enough nutrients and calories in their diet.
They make sure that they keep their metabolisms humming by eating a meal or snack that includes protein, every 3-4 hours.
Incorporating heavy weight-training (enough weight to fatigue muscles after 8-12 reps) will NOT bulk women up, contrary to popular belief. We would need alot more testosterone and have extremely low bodyfat levels to look masculine. Weight training is the single best way to preserve muscle while dieting and will also increase metabolic rate for hours after a workout (and can raise metabolism longterm with increase in muscle mass).
Bodybuilders understand the importance of maintaining a proper testosterone/estrogen hormone balance.
Women of all ages struggle with the effects of hormones on our bodies from birth control pills to menopause.
It is very important to our general health and quality of life to keep a check on our hormones, especially once into peri-menopause. When prescribing hormone replacement, a doctor should not overlook testosterone.
Women do produce testosterone just like men, although its about 1/7th of the amount. Our testosterone levels gradually decline as we age or drop off rapidly after menopause and this affects our ability to build muscle, our energy level, mood, sleep, sex drive and bone loss.
When our estrogen levels are too high compared to testosterone, it will cause weight gain, as our bodies store more fat. Burning fat becomes difficult to impossible when there is no testosterone to preserve muscle mass and mobilize fat, but plenty of estrogen to increase fat storage.
What impresses me the most about competitive bodybuilders is the high level of commitment they have to achieve such results. There is no slacking off when in training and they give their workouts high priority in
their lives. It also takes a tremendous amount of energy, time and willpower to eat clean, which is not possible without preparing your own food. It doesn't have to be as extreme as a bodybuilder, but it is not until we get into a mindset that we make our health a priority - no matter what - that the transformation will begin. I really hate the phrase "everything in moderation" because I see it as an excuse to not fully committing to better eating habits. Even if you don't need to lose weight, regularly indulging in bad-for-your-
health processed,high fat and high sugar foods is risky business, even if it is the "American way".
In conclusion, I see women all the time who are facing weight gain as they age and think that the answer is to do more cardio, cut calories way back, and skip meals. It will be slower weight loss in pounds when you eat properly and strength train but the "bodybuilder diet" creates change in body composition that gives lasting results along with improved overall health. Just stay with it long enough to see the positive changes and then you will be hooked!

Even though my eating habits were spotty - I did cook a good bit but was light on protein and high on
"fat-free" aka sugary foods, and diet coke was a staple - I managed to stay trim and a size 8 for a decade.
Being in my 30's, I had a great metabolism, especially with all of the aerobics and still had a youthful body.
And then I turned 40 and things started getting weird. It was a combination of Trim Up closing (less exercise) and an early menopause. The next few years started a gentle slope towards weight gain, less energy, knee pain and mental confusion with a touch of anxiety. Luckily hormone replacement therapy helped with most of my ailments but my body was still betraying me.
It wasn't until I re-opened Trim Up and started back to regular workouts (aerobics 4-5x a week plus a little weight training) that I felt good about my body again. But I still had to really watch the calories or I would notice my weight creeping back up and get that bloated feeling.
Gradually through these past 4 years, I have improved my diet to where I truly don't miss diet coke or fast food and rarely crave sugar. I also supplement with whey protein at least once a day. But the biggest difference was in the change I made in my exercise routine.
Two years ago I had a "AHA" moment at a fitness conference where I was finally convinced that the way to change your body and metabolism was heavy weights and interval training. I added Interval class format to our schedule where we use heavier wts for fewer reps along with full body movement for short bursts of high intensity. I have noticed that I am leaner, with more muscle (my daughter tells me that I am finally getting a butt!) and can eat more - even carbs - without feeling any difference in my body. And I only teach 2 lower intensity cardio classes each week; the other classes are Interval or Weight Circuit.
I also make sure that I get 2 whole body vibration workouts each week, as it keeps me exercising to my full potential without my usual neck, elbow or sciatic nerve pain. WBV also helps produce more Human Growth Hormone that stimulates muscle growth and it works those hard to reach reflex or "fast-twitch" muscles. I think that is the biggest reason for my butt lift!
Anyway, now that I am a believer, it seems that I come across more and more reports, studies and articles that explain how the old way of long duration aerobics for more fat loss is outdated. I recently had informational seminars called LIFT for LIFE to pass along the newest findings on how to exercise more effectively and to encourage women to weight train properly. Here are the highlights:
> Weight lifting stimulates fat-burning hormones that burn more fat, up to 48 hours after your workout. Cardio burns more calories initially, but WT does more for your metabolism and fat loss.
> Osteoporosis should be a real concern for women over age 50 as there is no "cure". But weight
training can actually reverse the bone loss. Other weight bearing exercise like walking is not enough overload to build bone density - it needs to be high impact like jogging or jumping - but that only works the lower body.
> Building muscle mass with weight training will protect your body from injury and help recovery from
illness or injury; it gives you energy and lowers risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
> Full body weight training in intervals is the most efficient and effective workout for weight loss - in
only half the time of regular cardio.
> If you are losing weight from a diet or calorie restriction, you will also lean muscle if you are not
keeping up with weight training. And you will quickly gain the weight back once calories increase, unless you build muscle to boost metabolism.
Cardio is easy enough to do on your own but most people need guidance to weight train. Getting a personal trainer, at least for awhile to help set up a weight routine, is a good idea. Or join in some group classes that use heavy enough weight to fatigue muscle groups in only 8-12 repetitions, and if it is done in an interval format with compound movements, it will be a cardio workout as well.
For more results and time better spent with exercise, resist the urge to do what you are comfortable with and have always known, and follow the experts advice!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Exercise Lifts More Than Bums!
Since re-opening Trim Up 4 years ago, I've often wondered why so many of my members from the old place who I've been in contact with, don't exercise like they used to. And why so many women don't keep up with regular exercise, especially when they seem to have plenty of time once the kids have grown up. These are intelligent women who realize the importance of exercise for basic health and wellness.
Sometimes I believe it is a case of imbalanced hormones, stemming from menopause and lack of estrogen and testosterone, that causes fatigue and low motivation. I have known many women who have been prescribed antidepressants (myself included) because of their symptoms when all they needed was hormone replacement therapy.
Which leads me to why I think so many women aren't making time to take care of their health through fitness....Depression. This is becoming more common in women over age 40, especially with all of
our economical chaos and uncertainty with jobs and retirement. Women tend to be worriers anyway and many are carrying more of a financial burden in their families these days. It can be easy to get bogged down by job stress and not take time for ourselves, which can lead to depression.
At this age, a lot of women are dealing with aging parents, often taking on the role of caregiver. Some are helping with the care of grandchildren. Others are dealing with the empty nest and feeling a loss of indentity without an active role of being "Soccer Mom". Others are dealing with divorce or struggling personal relationships.
And then there is grief from the loss of a loved one or living with an ill family member or having some medical issues yourself. And lastly, there are those who suffer from recurring, hereditary depression.
It is ironic that the last thing any of these women want to do is exercise but that is exactly what they need the most! Exercise has been proven to help treat mild to moderate depression, often in place of medication.
When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that trigger a positive feeling, similar to that of morphine. That feeling helps to produce a positive and energizing outlook on life. Regular exercise will reduce stress, ward off anxiety and feelings of depression, boost self-esteem and improve sleep.
There are few people who make it through life without some periods of at least mild depression just due to pressures of everyday stress. The best thing to do is to make regular exercise a part of your routine, to keep
up your mental as well as physical health. Group exercise is even more beneficial, because of the strong social support.
Just like diabetes, that needs to be managed with proper diet and exercise, depression is a condition that needs to be recognized and treated. One day insurance companies and employers will wise up and make fitness programs reimbursable and doctors will prescribe exercise instead of drugs!
Friday, July 29, 2011
We Can't Stop Growing!
Somatopause is when your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels drop off dramatically after age 30, as a part of the aging process. The higher your HGH levels, the healthier and stronger you will be. In order to release more HGH, you must exercise. But only certain types of exercise are effective in stimulating the release of growth hormones.
The most effective way is through Whole Body Vibration, because the "fast twitch" muscle fibers (or reflex muscles) that respond to the sensation of "falling" 20-45x per second are the ones that activate HGH release. The production is up to 400% more during a WBV session.
Another way to produce HGH is from the build-up of lactic acid. When you feel "the burn" in your muscles during exercise, that is lactic acid, which is a by-product of anaerobic training and the lack of oxygen. In order to cool down that "burn", your body will actually release higher amounts of HGH. At TUF, we have incorporated "LA" workouts where less weight and more repetition produce more lactic acid for HGH release. So, going for the burn is a good thing!
Ways to optimize your level of HGH once released with exercise:
1) a good night's sleep
2) avoid a high fat meal prior to exercise
3) drink plenty of water
4) eat healthy carbs (veggies) and high quality protein
5) get enough vitamin D
6) do not consume sugar or fructose within 2 hours of exercise
That last one is very important and here's why. Sugar consumption will trigger release of somatostatin, a hormone that inhibits HGH. And while it is critical not to consume sugar or fructose immediately after exercise when HGH release is stimulated, it is also important not to consume more than 20 grams of fructose each day if you want to lose weight. Drinking a whey protein shake post-workout will maximize muscle repair and growth but it is best to omit the fruit or other sugars.
Here is a chart showing the fructose in fruits:
Steady state cardio like walking, treadmill, eliptical or bike don't stimulate the release of growth hormones like weight training or high intensity aerobic interval bursts. It is easy to add some 30 second intervals of high intensity with 90 second recovery, even with walking. Just pick up the pace with a fast walk and pumping arms and then go back to the regular walking pace for recovery. Try to work up to 20 minutes of this and it will be more effective than an hour steady state walk.
We do intervals in both weight training and cardio classes, to push women to feel the burn for maximum results. It is a myth that you can lose weight just by restricting calories and exercising. Long-term, successful fat loss is determined by what type of calories and what type of is quality, not quantity. Making sure that your exercise and diet are optimizing Human Growth Hormones will help you to
look and feel younger, build more muscle, lose more bodyfat, improve strength and recovery and actually slow down or even reverse the signs of aging. We need to keep growing!
The most effective way is through Whole Body Vibration, because the "fast twitch" muscle fibers (or reflex muscles) that respond to the sensation of "falling" 20-45x per second are the ones that activate HGH release. The production is up to 400% more during a WBV session.
Another way to produce HGH is from the build-up of lactic acid. When you feel "the burn" in your muscles during exercise, that is lactic acid, which is a by-product of anaerobic training and the lack of oxygen. In order to cool down that "burn", your body will actually release higher amounts of HGH. At TUF, we have incorporated "LA" workouts where less weight and more repetition produce more lactic acid for HGH release. So, going for the burn is a good thing!
Ways to optimize your level of HGH once released with exercise:
1) a good night's sleep
2) avoid a high fat meal prior to exercise
3) drink plenty of water
4) eat healthy carbs (veggies) and high quality protein
5) get enough vitamin D
6) do not consume sugar or fructose within 2 hours of exercise
That last one is very important and here's why. Sugar consumption will trigger release of somatostatin, a hormone that inhibits HGH. And while it is critical not to consume sugar or fructose immediately after exercise when HGH release is stimulated, it is also important not to consume more than 20 grams of fructose each day if you want to lose weight. Drinking a whey protein shake post-workout will maximize muscle repair and growth but it is best to omit the fruit or other sugars.
Here is a chart showing the fructose in fruits:
Steady state cardio like walking, treadmill, eliptical or bike don't stimulate the release of growth hormones like weight training or high intensity aerobic interval bursts. It is easy to add some 30 second intervals of high intensity with 90 second recovery, even with walking. Just pick up the pace with a fast walk and pumping arms and then go back to the regular walking pace for recovery. Try to work up to 20 minutes of this and it will be more effective than an hour steady state walk.
We do intervals in both weight training and cardio classes, to push women to feel the burn for maximum results. It is a myth that you can lose weight just by restricting calories and exercising. Long-term, successful fat loss is determined by what type of calories and what type of is quality, not quantity. Making sure that your exercise and diet are optimizing Human Growth Hormones will help you to
look and feel younger, build more muscle, lose more bodyfat, improve strength and recovery and actually slow down or even reverse the signs of aging. We need to keep growing!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Why Whey?
I can't say it enough. Whey Protein is one of the most important supplements for women, especially for women who exercise, are wanting to lose weight, are over age 40, diabetic, and those with digestive issues. I talk about it all the time at TUF and remind our members constantly, but know that very few are actually making whey protein a part of their daily diet.
So here is a breakdown of why whey is so good for our bodies and health.
AMINO ACIDS - All sources of protein contain some amino acids, needed to repair and build muscle. However, whey protein is a naturally complete protein, meaning it contains ALL of the essential amino acids and the richest source of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).
BCAAs are metabolized directly into muscle tissue for immediate recovery after exercise (unlike other essential AAs).
LEUCINE - Part of the BCAAs, Leucine is the main AA in promoting muscle synthesis and growth. You would need to eat five eggs to get the same amount of Leucine in one (100 calorie)serving of whey protein, which has the highest concentration of this important AA.
Leucine plays a major role in preserving lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.
GLUTAMINE - The most common AA found in muscles, over 60% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine.
Good quality whey protein contains added Glutamine. In addition to improving strength, recovery and stamina, it also increases ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which is our "Youth" hormone. HGH helps to metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine is also useful for dieters to help lose body fat while preserving lean muscle.
Glutamine is also one of the most important nutrients for intestinal health. It aids intestinal function and digestion. Those with IBS, Crohn's, ulcers, food allergies or intolerances that cause gas, bloating and stomach upset really need this AA. It also supports a healthy immune system.
WEIGHTLOSS - The body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods (thermic effect) and as a result, you burn more calories with more protein in your diet.
Whey protein contains very few carbohydrates.
Protein helps to stabilize blood glucose levels by slowing the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. This controls hunger by lowering insulin levels and making it easier for the body to burn fat.
Whey protein helps to stimulate the release of two appetite-suppressing hormones.
MUSCLE - Since we lose muscle as part of the aging process, we need to pay special attention to resistance training. When muscle tissue is broken down with strength training, if there is not enough protein in your diet to repair that muscle, you could actually lose more muscle!
Whey protein is the "fastest" protein and is absorbed immediately to those muscles for quick recovery and growth.
A serving of approx. 20 grams of whey protein immediately following a strength workout will ensure that optimal protein synthesis will occur, for more muscle repair and growth.
BONES - Protein is needed to help preserve and improve bone density. Studies show that whey protein provides greater bone (and muscle) support than casein, the primary protein found in milk.
Whey protein is easily digested and helps to support every aspect of your health as well as protecting from the risk of cancer, Type 2 diabetes and other illnesses. It will also give you more energy. Quality whey also
contains calcium, B vitamins and minerals.
For those who don't "do" breakfast, a protein smoothie made with Greek yogurt, fruit, whey and healthy fat like coconut oil is a complete and healthy meal. Getting 20 grams of protein first thing in the morning will help with appetite control, fat burning and energy the rest of the day.
Whey protein shakes also make the best mid-morning and/or afternoon snacks. Pre-made drinks and protein bars contain whey and are fine occasionally, but it is best to make your own to avoid artificial sweeteners and processed ingredients.
We recommend and sell Designer Whey and NOW Foods Whey Protein powders. These brands have a reputation for quality manufacturing and ingredients. And they use the natural sweetener Stevia.
You can find cheaper brands but there is a reason why they are cheaper! Traces of heavy metals have been found in lower quality protein, they contain artificial sweeteners and they are also harder to digest.
Plus they don't taste very good!
So you see, Whey is the Whey to Go!!
So here is a breakdown of why whey is so good for our bodies and health.
AMINO ACIDS - All sources of protein contain some amino acids, needed to repair and build muscle. However, whey protein is a naturally complete protein, meaning it contains ALL of the essential amino acids and the richest source of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).
BCAAs are metabolized directly into muscle tissue for immediate recovery after exercise (unlike other essential AAs).
LEUCINE - Part of the BCAAs, Leucine is the main AA in promoting muscle synthesis and growth. You would need to eat five eggs to get the same amount of Leucine in one (100 calorie)serving of whey protein, which has the highest concentration of this important AA.
Leucine plays a major role in preserving lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.
GLUTAMINE - The most common AA found in muscles, over 60% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine.
Good quality whey protein contains added Glutamine. In addition to improving strength, recovery and stamina, it also increases ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which is our "Youth" hormone. HGH helps to metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine is also useful for dieters to help lose body fat while preserving lean muscle.
Glutamine is also one of the most important nutrients for intestinal health. It aids intestinal function and digestion. Those with IBS, Crohn's, ulcers, food allergies or intolerances that cause gas, bloating and stomach upset really need this AA. It also supports a healthy immune system.
WEIGHTLOSS - The body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods (thermic effect) and as a result, you burn more calories with more protein in your diet.
Whey protein contains very few carbohydrates.
Protein helps to stabilize blood glucose levels by slowing the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. This controls hunger by lowering insulin levels and making it easier for the body to burn fat.
Whey protein helps to stimulate the release of two appetite-suppressing hormones.
MUSCLE - Since we lose muscle as part of the aging process, we need to pay special attention to resistance training. When muscle tissue is broken down with strength training, if there is not enough protein in your diet to repair that muscle, you could actually lose more muscle!
Whey protein is the "fastest" protein and is absorbed immediately to those muscles for quick recovery and growth.
A serving of approx. 20 grams of whey protein immediately following a strength workout will ensure that optimal protein synthesis will occur, for more muscle repair and growth.
BONES - Protein is needed to help preserve and improve bone density. Studies show that whey protein provides greater bone (and muscle) support than casein, the primary protein found in milk.
Whey protein is easily digested and helps to support every aspect of your health as well as protecting from the risk of cancer, Type 2 diabetes and other illnesses. It will also give you more energy. Quality whey also
contains calcium, B vitamins and minerals.
For those who don't "do" breakfast, a protein smoothie made with Greek yogurt, fruit, whey and healthy fat like coconut oil is a complete and healthy meal. Getting 20 grams of protein first thing in the morning will help with appetite control, fat burning and energy the rest of the day.
Whey protein shakes also make the best mid-morning and/or afternoon snacks. Pre-made drinks and protein bars contain whey and are fine occasionally, but it is best to make your own to avoid artificial sweeteners and processed ingredients.
We recommend and sell Designer Whey and NOW Foods Whey Protein powders. These brands have a reputation for quality manufacturing and ingredients. And they use the natural sweetener Stevia.
You can find cheaper brands but there is a reason why they are cheaper! Traces of heavy metals have been found in lower quality protein, they contain artificial sweeteners and they are also harder to digest.
Plus they don't taste very good!
So you see, Whey is the Whey to Go!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Treasure Your Bones!
The biggest motivator for women who finally decide to begin exercising and join our program is weight loss. Some have always struggled with their weight but we see alot of women who have not had trouble managing their weight......until the big "M" and hormonal chaos. Some stick with it either because they begin to actually like exercise and/or because they like what exercise does for them, while others never make the commitment and eventually drop off. I always wonder if there was more I could have done to help motivate
the ones who don't last and just hope they are exercising somewhere else. People who exercise on their own are rarely successful in maintaining a proper and balanced fitness regimen.
While I love to help members lose weight and tone up, one of the biggest concerns I have for women my age and older is bone health. Osteoporosis is serious. Once you develop it, there are very few options to treat it and any that involve medications are now known to be detrimental and can actually cause more bone damage. Once we start losing estrogen after menopause (and by the way, HRT is one way to help prevent bone loss), we are at higher risk for weakened bones, especially if we haven't exercised consistently and/or have not kept up enough nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and protein in our diet.
If one of our members happens to experience a bone fracture, I always ask them if the Dr. treating them did a bone scan, if they tested their hormone levels, if they tested their Vitamin D level, if they were supplementing with Vitamin D and calcium and then I suggest that they add more weight training. I just don't think that we can count on our medical professionals to look out for our best interests and we need to know enough to ask the right questions and get the attention we need. Or find another doctor who will.
One misconception that alot of people have is that walking is a form of weight-bearing exercise that will build bone density. Walking is a fine form of mild, low impact cardio but will not treat osteoporosis or osteopenia.
We need to lift weights - heavy enough weight to flex muscles hard enough to pull on the bone they are attached to. Just like when muscles get microscopic tears in the muscle fiber when stressed during weight training, which starts the growing process, bones react in a similar way when lifting weights.
The only aerobic activity that will build bone is high impact (jumping, running and landing on both feet) which is not best for knees and joints. Plus that will only work the lower skeleton. We still need to train the upper body. Lower body resistance training that is effective are squats, deadlifts and lunges - all with added weight.
When muscles and bones respond to the stress of weight by getting those tiny tears, our body heals and repairs those tears in the 24-48 hours afterwards, making the tissue stronger and bigger. However, there is a big problem that I see all the time when women do not consume proper nutrients in order for the repair and rebuilding process to take place. Because women are notorious for not eating enough protein, even when they are told how beneficial and necessary it is. Everyone who is serious about gaining as much muscle (and bone) as possible should be supplementing with whey protein, even if they think they are eating enough protein most days. It makes a HUGE difference in results.
Drinking a whey shake within one hour after weight training will enhance the healing and growth process. There is an amino acid in whey (and other dairy, but whey is the best form) called leucine, that is the main building block in protein, and is not present in animal protein. Plus, whey has low calories.
Because heavy weight lifting (and by that I mean heavy enough weight to fatigue the working muscle in only 8-12 reps) can result in injury if not done correctly, it is not something that most people can do successfully on their own. It is easy to take a walk, ride a bike or hop on a treadmill for cardio but weight-training takes a little know-how. I always tell our members to make sure they get their resistance workouts done here at TUF if they can only attend a few times a week.
Another class that I think does the most good for the aging body is Pilates, because it focuses on the core (abs, back and glutes) and balance while stretching out the muscles for more flexibility. When a person does not have a strong core, it is very difficult to maintain proper form and stabilize during execution of weight-bearing exercise.
Women need to understand that our bones are living tissue that contain nerves and blood vessels and they need nutrients and exercise to stay healthy. No one wants to end up in a nursing home with a broken hip but even a small stress fracture can take a long time to heal and always be a constant source of discomfort.
Osteoporosis is totally preventable!!
the ones who don't last and just hope they are exercising somewhere else. People who exercise on their own are rarely successful in maintaining a proper and balanced fitness regimen.
While I love to help members lose weight and tone up, one of the biggest concerns I have for women my age and older is bone health. Osteoporosis is serious. Once you develop it, there are very few options to treat it and any that involve medications are now known to be detrimental and can actually cause more bone damage. Once we start losing estrogen after menopause (and by the way, HRT is one way to help prevent bone loss), we are at higher risk for weakened bones, especially if we haven't exercised consistently and/or have not kept up enough nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and protein in our diet.
If one of our members happens to experience a bone fracture, I always ask them if the Dr. treating them did a bone scan, if they tested their hormone levels, if they tested their Vitamin D level, if they were supplementing with Vitamin D and calcium and then I suggest that they add more weight training. I just don't think that we can count on our medical professionals to look out for our best interests and we need to know enough to ask the right questions and get the attention we need. Or find another doctor who will.
One misconception that alot of people have is that walking is a form of weight-bearing exercise that will build bone density. Walking is a fine form of mild, low impact cardio but will not treat osteoporosis or osteopenia.
We need to lift weights - heavy enough weight to flex muscles hard enough to pull on the bone they are attached to. Just like when muscles get microscopic tears in the muscle fiber when stressed during weight training, which starts the growing process, bones react in a similar way when lifting weights.
The only aerobic activity that will build bone is high impact (jumping, running and landing on both feet) which is not best for knees and joints. Plus that will only work the lower skeleton. We still need to train the upper body. Lower body resistance training that is effective are squats, deadlifts and lunges - all with added weight.
When muscles and bones respond to the stress of weight by getting those tiny tears, our body heals and repairs those tears in the 24-48 hours afterwards, making the tissue stronger and bigger. However, there is a big problem that I see all the time when women do not consume proper nutrients in order for the repair and rebuilding process to take place. Because women are notorious for not eating enough protein, even when they are told how beneficial and necessary it is. Everyone who is serious about gaining as much muscle (and bone) as possible should be supplementing with whey protein, even if they think they are eating enough protein most days. It makes a HUGE difference in results.
Drinking a whey shake within one hour after weight training will enhance the healing and growth process. There is an amino acid in whey (and other dairy, but whey is the best form) called leucine, that is the main building block in protein, and is not present in animal protein. Plus, whey has low calories.
Because heavy weight lifting (and by that I mean heavy enough weight to fatigue the working muscle in only 8-12 reps) can result in injury if not done correctly, it is not something that most people can do successfully on their own. It is easy to take a walk, ride a bike or hop on a treadmill for cardio but weight-training takes a little know-how. I always tell our members to make sure they get their resistance workouts done here at TUF if they can only attend a few times a week.
Another class that I think does the most good for the aging body is Pilates, because it focuses on the core (abs, back and glutes) and balance while stretching out the muscles for more flexibility. When a person does not have a strong core, it is very difficult to maintain proper form and stabilize during execution of weight-bearing exercise.
Women need to understand that our bones are living tissue that contain nerves and blood vessels and they need nutrients and exercise to stay healthy. No one wants to end up in a nursing home with a broken hip but even a small stress fracture can take a long time to heal and always be a constant source of discomfort.
Osteoporosis is totally preventable!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
What Weight Watchers Can Learn From Bodybuilders
OK, this is probably the last guy that overweight women would ask for advice on how to transform their bodies. But in general, observing the habits, training and eating patterns of bodybuilders can work wonders
for women, especially as we age, in achieving a leaner body and lasting weightloss.
Losing weight is normally easy - just eat less and exercise, right? - but bodybuilders will tell you that FAT loss is extremely difficult. Most weightloss by women also includes muscle and bone loss. The key to any successful diet is to lose bodyfat while maintaining muscle density, which is a constant challenge for serious
bodybuilders. Here are some basic principles that are common sense in the bodybuilding community that can be used effectively by women:
Do you ever see bodybuilders drinking Slimfast? Didn't think so.....they know that drinking products high in sugar and low in protein is a killer in a weightloss program. It hasn't been until recently that our country has embraced the "low carb, high protein" diet when it has been advocated for decades by bodybuilders.
Women should make a special effort to increase protein while dieting to maintain and increase muscle mass.
The combination of low total calories, aerobic exercise and decreased protein intake will cause the body to
literally strip muscle off the body (which is part of the fast weightloss) - a mistake no bodybuilder would make.
Protein is the key - consuming at a minimum 20% of total calories each day - to obtaining a strong, lean
body. The highest quality of protein with the lowest calories is whey protein powder. There is a reason why protein powders and shakes fill the shelves of vitamin stores....they are absolutely essential to getting the most out of your strength training program. The reason for weight gain as we age is a drop in metabolism caused mostly from loss of muscle. We lose 1-2% a year after age 50! A protein shake or smoothie after a workout should be habit along with supplementing with whey protein each day to meet the daily protein requirements. I like to blend up a smoothie or shake for a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. It will also help with appetite control and energy.
"Eating Clean" is a term well known in the bodybuilding world that means you are only eating whole foods and no processed food. It may seem bland at first, until your taste buds adjust to the flavor of real food and you lose the taste for artificial flavoring and high fat and sugar additives.
Bodybuilders also know that they can not build muscle without enough nutrients and calories in their diet.
They make sure that they keep their metabolisms humming by eating a meal or snack that includes protein, every 3-4 hours.
Incorporating heavy weight-training (enough weight to fatigue muscles after 8-12 reps) will NOT bulk women up, contrary to popular belief. We would need alot more testosterone and have extremely low bodyfat levels to look masculine. Weight training is the single best way to preserve muscle while dieting and will also increase metabolic rate for hours after a workout (and can raise metabolism longterm with increase in muscle mass).
Bodybuilders understand the importance of maintaining a proper testosterone/estrogen hormone balance.
Women of all ages struggle with the effects of hormones on our bodies from birth control pills to menopause.
It is very important to our general health and quality of life to keep a check on our hormones, especially once into peri-menopause. When prescribing hormone replacement, a doctor should not overlook testosterone.
Women do produce testosterone just like men, although its about 1/7th of the amount. Our testosterone levels gradually decline as we age or drop off rapidly after menopause and this affects our ability to build muscle, our energy level, mood, sleep, sex drive and bone loss.
When our estrogen levels are too high compared to testosterone, it will cause weight gain, as our bodies store more fat. Burning fat becomes difficult to impossible when there is no testosterone to preserve muscle mass and mobilize fat, but plenty of estrogen to increase fat storage.
What impresses me the most about competitive bodybuilders is the high level of commitment they have to achieve such results. There is no slacking off when in training and they give their workouts high priority in
their lives. It also takes a tremendous amount of energy, time and willpower to eat clean, which is not possible without preparing your own food. It doesn't have to be as extreme as a bodybuilder, but it is not until we get into a mindset that we make our health a priority - no matter what - that the transformation will begin. I really hate the phrase "everything in moderation" because I see it as an excuse to not fully committing to better eating habits. Even if you don't need to lose weight, regularly indulging in bad-for-your-
health processed,high fat and high sugar foods is risky business, even if it is the "American way".
In conclusion, I see women all the time who are facing weight gain as they age and think that the answer is to do more cardio, cut calories way back, and skip meals. It will be slower weight loss in pounds when you eat properly and strength train but the "bodybuilder diet" creates change in body composition that gives lasting results along with improved overall health. Just stay with it long enough to see the positive changes and then you will be hooked!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Just when we thought it was safe to stay out of the sun....
After I started becoming a "regular" at the dermatologist's office in my mid 30's, I finally wised up and got out of the tanning bed. I still did some sunbathing but with (a little)sunscreen until the year at the beach about 9 years ago when my skin said "ENOUGH!" and I suffered a horrible case of sun poisoning.
Bottled sunless lotions were my only way to not look sickly white until I discovered Mystic Tan! Now I have a Mystic booth in Trim Up and rarely miss a week of spraying - yay! After going through many skin cancer surgeries and seeing my lovely sister-in-law die of melanoma, I have been very out-spoken about the dangers of tanning, especially to teens.
And I have kept up with the latest reports on increased risks of cancer with tanning, as it is becoming more evident how harmful UV rays are to our skin and health. It still amazes me how parents can permit their kids to start the tanning bed habit when it is shown how it increases their risk of melanoma by 75%!!
But it now appears that we may be going a little overboard on avoiding the rays. I have been reading with interest several articles by Dr. Mercola, who is a well-respected physician specializing in natural medicine, concerning sun exposure. He was the first to bring awareness to the widespread vitamin D deficiency in our country and his website has many articles that detail the health problems that occur without enough vitamin D. Along these lines, he believes that the increasing trend to stay out of the sun completely and/or always use sunscreen whenever outdoors is the main cause of our insufficient vitamin D production.
Supplementing with high doses of vitamin D is easy to do and necessary for those stuck indoors most of the week but making your D from sunlight is best. His belief is to get some full sun exposure for just a short time (before your skin turns pink)whenever possible, and then cover up or get out of the sun. However, it is necessary for as much skin as possible to be exposed so it doesn't do much good if you're wearing long sleeves and long pants on your daily "D" walk. He doesn't use sunscreen himself but when it is 95 degrees out, and there is no shade to turn to, covering up is not an option for most people. Therefore, he does give warnings along with recommendations on avoiding sunburns and overexposure:
> The best way to protect your skin against sunburn and damage from
UV exposure is by consuming Omega 3 or 6 fats or supplements.
> Eating a healthy diet of whole foods with nutrients and anti-oxidants
will help fight free radicals caused by sun damage that can lead to
burns and cancer.
> Avoid sunscreens that contain harmful chemicals that will actually
cause more harm than good, especially on children, like Oxybenzone.
> Avoid spray sunscreens and inhaling the toxic fumes.
> Use sunscreens that use zinc or titanium minerals and contain
good for your skin ingredients like coconut oil, sunflower oil,
shea butter, and vit D & E.
> Use sunscreen that will block both UVA and UVB rays.
> Taking the supplement "Astaxanthin", a little-known carotenoid
(compounds in foods that give them vibrant color) that is recently
found to be a powerful antioxidant.
So, in "light" of all of this information, I have been making a few changes in my sun smartness and patting myself on the back on already
doing some things right. I will say that I have found a tremendous
difference in how long I can stay in the sun without sunscreen and not get burned since I have been taking more Omega 3s and using coconut oil.
I know that I can go without sunscreen mid-day for 1 1/2 hrs without getting burned. Beyond that, I apply a natural sunscreen to my body but have always used Colorescience mineral sunscreen for my face. It is not a good idea to ever expose the sensitive skin of your face without protection because of photoaging and minimal D absorption. I also use a moisturizer with sunscreen every morning.
On more thing that is interesting.... the more vegetables we eat with those natural carotenoids, our skin will take on a healthy coloring and glow. It is true that what you put into your body will reflect on the
outside! Oh well, its better late than never!
Bottled sunless lotions were my only way to not look sickly white until I discovered Mystic Tan! Now I have a Mystic booth in Trim Up and rarely miss a week of spraying - yay! After going through many skin cancer surgeries and seeing my lovely sister-in-law die of melanoma, I have been very out-spoken about the dangers of tanning, especially to teens.
And I have kept up with the latest reports on increased risks of cancer with tanning, as it is becoming more evident how harmful UV rays are to our skin and health. It still amazes me how parents can permit their kids to start the tanning bed habit when it is shown how it increases their risk of melanoma by 75%!!
But it now appears that we may be going a little overboard on avoiding the rays. I have been reading with interest several articles by Dr. Mercola, who is a well-respected physician specializing in natural medicine, concerning sun exposure. He was the first to bring awareness to the widespread vitamin D deficiency in our country and his website has many articles that detail the health problems that occur without enough vitamin D. Along these lines, he believes that the increasing trend to stay out of the sun completely and/or always use sunscreen whenever outdoors is the main cause of our insufficient vitamin D production.
Supplementing with high doses of vitamin D is easy to do and necessary for those stuck indoors most of the week but making your D from sunlight is best. His belief is to get some full sun exposure for just a short time (before your skin turns pink)whenever possible, and then cover up or get out of the sun. However, it is necessary for as much skin as possible to be exposed so it doesn't do much good if you're wearing long sleeves and long pants on your daily "D" walk. He doesn't use sunscreen himself but when it is 95 degrees out, and there is no shade to turn to, covering up is not an option for most people. Therefore, he does give warnings along with recommendations on avoiding sunburns and overexposure:
> The best way to protect your skin against sunburn and damage from
UV exposure is by consuming Omega 3 or 6 fats or supplements.
> Eating a healthy diet of whole foods with nutrients and anti-oxidants
will help fight free radicals caused by sun damage that can lead to
burns and cancer.
> Avoid sunscreens that contain harmful chemicals that will actually
cause more harm than good, especially on children, like Oxybenzone.
> Avoid spray sunscreens and inhaling the toxic fumes.
> Use sunscreens that use zinc or titanium minerals and contain
good for your skin ingredients like coconut oil, sunflower oil,
shea butter, and vit D & E.
> Use sunscreen that will block both UVA and UVB rays.
> Taking the supplement "Astaxanthin", a little-known carotenoid
(compounds in foods that give them vibrant color) that is recently
found to be a powerful antioxidant.
So, in "light" of all of this information, I have been making a few changes in my sun smartness and patting myself on the back on already
doing some things right. I will say that I have found a tremendous
difference in how long I can stay in the sun without sunscreen and not get burned since I have been taking more Omega 3s and using coconut oil.
I know that I can go without sunscreen mid-day for 1 1/2 hrs without getting burned. Beyond that, I apply a natural sunscreen to my body but have always used Colorescience mineral sunscreen for my face. It is not a good idea to ever expose the sensitive skin of your face without protection because of photoaging and minimal D absorption. I also use a moisturizer with sunscreen every morning.
On more thing that is interesting.... the more vegetables we eat with those natural carotenoids, our skin will take on a healthy coloring and glow. It is true that what you put into your body will reflect on the
outside! Oh well, its better late than never!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Now THIS will give you heartburn!
Being in the health and fitness industry, I read alot of professional publications, magazines, newsletters and internet articles/emails to keep informed of up-to-date studies and research. It has only been in the last few years that I have become more focused and aware of the connection between diet/nutrition and wellness/fitness. I am realizing more and more that my generation has typically been too complacent and accepting of what is marketed as the "American" way as far as eating habits, health problems and treatment vs prevention.
I am very pleased whenever I see articles in the newspaper that promote fitness and wellness, although there have been several that have been misleading and inaccurate. Not sure how they choose their sources.
Anyway, an article last week caught my eye about the adverse effects of taking acid-reflux medications (FDA just released a warning), because my husband has been on Nexium the past year. This article pointed out the risk of depleting the body's magnesium with extended use of these drugs (over a year) which alarmingly, can not be restored with supplementation.
I know magnesium works with calcium and assumed depletion would affect bone density but a quick internet search showed in addition to bone fractures there are even more consequences: risk of panic attacks, agrophobia, heart problems plus many other health problems. This got hubby's attention.
It is very common for people to suffer from these gerd & ulcer ailments, which is typically assumed to be stress-related. Doctors are quick to prescribe the drugs to cure the symptoms but don't tell us the side effects or that even though the drugs will cure the pain, the problem is still there - damaging the lining of the esophagus because of bile/stomach acid imbalances.
And guess what?! The best way to naturally "cure" acid reflux is with DIET! It has been shown that most people got relief by changing their diet - mainly by curbing the carbs. When my husband first started having his pain, he was eating at his beloved Steak n Shake several times a week while on the road and had a stash of honey buns to satisfy his after dinner need for sweet. With increasing stress at work, he has made a big
effort - bless him! - to eat better and has kicked his fast food/sugar addiction the last 6 months.
Not aware of the dangers of taking Nexium, he has continued to take it because he has felt so good but is now weaning off of it. We have found some natural remedies like peppermint tea, chewing gum after meals (increases saliva for bile production) and ginger. The Peoples Pharmacy has a great website for alternative medicine and information.
This is just another example of how our society can address and even prevent health problems by paying more attention to diet. And it is also a nice surprise to see that the FDA is going against the drug companies to warn us of dangers with their products.
I am thinking that I may have dodged a bullet.....retirement with a husband who is afraid to leave the house!
I am very pleased whenever I see articles in the newspaper that promote fitness and wellness, although there have been several that have been misleading and inaccurate. Not sure how they choose their sources.
Anyway, an article last week caught my eye about the adverse effects of taking acid-reflux medications (FDA just released a warning), because my husband has been on Nexium the past year. This article pointed out the risk of depleting the body's magnesium with extended use of these drugs (over a year) which alarmingly, can not be restored with supplementation.
I know magnesium works with calcium and assumed depletion would affect bone density but a quick internet search showed in addition to bone fractures there are even more consequences: risk of panic attacks, agrophobia, heart problems plus many other health problems. This got hubby's attention.
It is very common for people to suffer from these gerd & ulcer ailments, which is typically assumed to be stress-related. Doctors are quick to prescribe the drugs to cure the symptoms but don't tell us the side effects or that even though the drugs will cure the pain, the problem is still there - damaging the lining of the esophagus because of bile/stomach acid imbalances.
And guess what?! The best way to naturally "cure" acid reflux is with DIET! It has been shown that most people got relief by changing their diet - mainly by curbing the carbs. When my husband first started having his pain, he was eating at his beloved Steak n Shake several times a week while on the road and had a stash of honey buns to satisfy his after dinner need for sweet. With increasing stress at work, he has made a big
effort - bless him! - to eat better and has kicked his fast food/sugar addiction the last 6 months.
Not aware of the dangers of taking Nexium, he has continued to take it because he has felt so good but is now weaning off of it. We have found some natural remedies like peppermint tea, chewing gum after meals (increases saliva for bile production) and ginger. The Peoples Pharmacy has a great website for alternative medicine and information.
This is just another example of how our society can address and even prevent health problems by paying more attention to diet. And it is also a nice surprise to see that the FDA is going against the drug companies to warn us of dangers with their products.
I am thinking that I may have dodged a bullet.....retirement with a husband who is afraid to leave the house!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Let's Shake Things Up!
It was only 4 weeks ago that I first heard about Whole Body Vibration (WBV). I received an email from Dr. Mercola's website where he gave information on it and fully endorsed this "accelerated training". What I read was interesting but I kinda dismissed it as too "out there". However, something told me to look into it and I am so glad I did! WBV has a 50 year history of use from Russian cosmonauts and Olympians to US pro sports teams and athletes, medical rehabilitation and therapy, chiropractors and high-profile celebrities. There have been over 600 published medical reports on WBV that show the increases in body strength, bone density, human growth hormones, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
I knew this equipment would be ideal for the women here at Trim Up. To be able to increase muscle without stress on joints and do it in 10 minutes vs one hour is remarkable. As we age, it becomes more
difficult to build and maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism, keep weight off, especially around the waist,and fight the aging process with declining hormones. WBV will accelerate our efforts in exercise so that we can see faster and more results without having to risk injury or aggravate achy joints with longer or more intense workouts.
WBV can be found in a few gyms out in California and Florida but I had little success in finding anywhere nearby. The company I was purchasing my equipment from referred me to some of their customers in Canada who have had their machines for several years. These clubs only have the vibration machines along with other spa-type detoxifying treatments. They have regular customers who have seen amazing results with vibration training. In only a few weeks they are seeing noticeable changes in their bodies with more muscle, less fat, better sense of well-being and energy, more mobility and flexibility and smoother skin with less cellulite. I was sold!
So it has been a week since we received our machine and I have used it every other day for a strength workout lasting about 10 minutes and every day for stretching and leg massage. The first thing I noticed was that I could move my usually stiff neck more freely from side to side. My arms, legs and butt also feel tighter....and less "lumpy"! I also kept up my usual fitness routine of 3-4 cardio/strength workouts. And I have been sleeping a little better - not waking up so much....probably from the decrease in cortisol, the stress hormone. At first the vibration felt odd but each time I become more accustomed to it and now I think it feels good! Afterwards, I feel like I just had a massage!
I know this sounds too good to be true but WBV has so much documented, proven success and has been used for many years in Europe that I know eventually it will become standard fitness equipment for Americans. It can so beneficial for the inactive, older population or those with injuries who can't exercise normally. With its time-efficient 15 minute workouts, WBV can make regular exercise possible for those with overly busy schedules. And let's face many people just don't like to exercise so this is a way to get the health benefits of blood circulation, bone density, muscle mass, weight loss and lymphatic drainage with little exertion, sweat or time.
This is so exciting that Trim Up is a pioneer in this new, revolutionary method of accelerated training. I hope all of my members will try it and experience it for themselves. Some of the more adventurous ladies are ready and willing to give it a try while others are holding back, until they see what others think.
So, stayed tuned and we'll see how it all "shakes out"!
I knew this equipment would be ideal for the women here at Trim Up. To be able to increase muscle without stress on joints and do it in 10 minutes vs one hour is remarkable. As we age, it becomes more
difficult to build and maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism, keep weight off, especially around the waist,and fight the aging process with declining hormones. WBV will accelerate our efforts in exercise so that we can see faster and more results without having to risk injury or aggravate achy joints with longer or more intense workouts.
WBV can be found in a few gyms out in California and Florida but I had little success in finding anywhere nearby. The company I was purchasing my equipment from referred me to some of their customers in Canada who have had their machines for several years. These clubs only have the vibration machines along with other spa-type detoxifying treatments. They have regular customers who have seen amazing results with vibration training. In only a few weeks they are seeing noticeable changes in their bodies with more muscle, less fat, better sense of well-being and energy, more mobility and flexibility and smoother skin with less cellulite. I was sold!
So it has been a week since we received our machine and I have used it every other day for a strength workout lasting about 10 minutes and every day for stretching and leg massage. The first thing I noticed was that I could move my usually stiff neck more freely from side to side. My arms, legs and butt also feel tighter....and less "lumpy"! I also kept up my usual fitness routine of 3-4 cardio/strength workouts. And I have been sleeping a little better - not waking up so much....probably from the decrease in cortisol, the stress hormone. At first the vibration felt odd but each time I become more accustomed to it and now I think it feels good! Afterwards, I feel like I just had a massage!
I know this sounds too good to be true but WBV has so much documented, proven success and has been used for many years in Europe that I know eventually it will become standard fitness equipment for Americans. It can so beneficial for the inactive, older population or those with injuries who can't exercise normally. With its time-efficient 15 minute workouts, WBV can make regular exercise possible for those with overly busy schedules. And let's face many people just don't like to exercise so this is a way to get the health benefits of blood circulation, bone density, muscle mass, weight loss and lymphatic drainage with little exertion, sweat or time.
This is so exciting that Trim Up is a pioneer in this new, revolutionary method of accelerated training. I hope all of my members will try it and experience it for themselves. Some of the more adventurous ladies are ready and willing to give it a try while others are holding back, until they see what others think.
So, stayed tuned and we'll see how it all "shakes out"!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weight Train for Weight Loss
Hard to believe the Saturday before I was bouncing with energy, anxious to get outside and enjoy the 70 degree weather. Feeling like I just came out of hibernation, I went out to lunch and then took our dog for a nice long walk. Without even a sweater on. Heaven.
Fast forward to this past Saturday afternoon with its gloomy skies and
50 degrees. I was back inside, in my favorite spot next to the fireplace,
with a warm throw and reading material. I hate cold weather!
One of my favorite magazines had just arrived, Women's Health. They have
great articles and the one on weightlifting was very well written, highlighting the reasons why it is so important for women. In a nutshell:
12 Reasons women shouldn't live another day without weight training(WT):
1. You'll lose 40% more fat.
If you diet without WT, you will lose about 25% from muscle, which
may drop your scale weight but makes you more likely to gain back
the fat you lost. However, if you WT as you diet, you'll protect
your hard-earned muscle AND burn more fat.
2. Your clothes will fit better.
Between the ages of 30 and 50, you'll likely lose 10% of your body's
total muscle, and it's likely to be replaced by fat over time. One
pound of fat takes up 20% more space than one pound of muscle.
3. You'll burn more calories.
WT burns more calories during and after a workout than just cardio.
Muscles need more energy to repair the breakdown during WT which
raises metabolism for up to 2 days afterward.
4. Your diet will improve.
Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan, reminding you to
stay on track.
5. You'll handle stress better.
Fit people are shown to have lower levels of stress hormones than
those least fit. And under a stressful situation, blood pressure
of people with the most muscle returned to normal faster than the
levels of those with the least muscle.
6. You'll build stronger bones.
Just 16 weeks of WT can increase hip bone density and elevated
blood levels of osteocalcin (a marker of bone growth) by 19%.
7. You'll get into shape faster.
Circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 bpm higher
than if you ran at 60-70% of your max heart rate. This type of
workout can strengthen muscle while getting cardiovascular benefit.
8. Your heart will be healthier.
Regular total body weight workouts can lower blood pressure enough
to reduce the risk of stroke by 40% and chance of heart attack 15%.
9. You'll be more productive.
Workers are shown to be 15% more productive on days they exercised.
10. You'll live longer.
Total body strength is linked to lower risks of death from
cardiovascular disease and cancer. And scientists found that being
strong during middle age is associated with "exceptional survival",
defined as living to the age of 85 without developing a major disease.
11. You'll be happier.
Researchers found that people who did 3 weight workouts a week for
6 months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger
and overall mood.
12. You'll be even smarter.
Muscles strengthen your body AND mind by enhancing cognitive
function. Regular WT results in better short- and long-term memory,
improved verbal reasoning and a longer attention span.
Only about a fifth of females strength train 2 or more times a week. I
know how much fun Zumba classes are, and how easy it is to throw on Nikes
and walk through the neighborhood. But weight training is needed too and
as you can see is well worth the effort!
Fast forward to this past Saturday afternoon with its gloomy skies and
50 degrees. I was back inside, in my favorite spot next to the fireplace,
with a warm throw and reading material. I hate cold weather!
One of my favorite magazines had just arrived, Women's Health. They have
great articles and the one on weightlifting was very well written, highlighting the reasons why it is so important for women. In a nutshell:
12 Reasons women shouldn't live another day without weight training(WT):
1. You'll lose 40% more fat.
If you diet without WT, you will lose about 25% from muscle, which
may drop your scale weight but makes you more likely to gain back
the fat you lost. However, if you WT as you diet, you'll protect
your hard-earned muscle AND burn more fat.
2. Your clothes will fit better.
Between the ages of 30 and 50, you'll likely lose 10% of your body's
total muscle, and it's likely to be replaced by fat over time. One
pound of fat takes up 20% more space than one pound of muscle.
3. You'll burn more calories.
WT burns more calories during and after a workout than just cardio.
Muscles need more energy to repair the breakdown during WT which
raises metabolism for up to 2 days afterward.
4. Your diet will improve.
Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan, reminding you to
stay on track.
5. You'll handle stress better.
Fit people are shown to have lower levels of stress hormones than
those least fit. And under a stressful situation, blood pressure
of people with the most muscle returned to normal faster than the
levels of those with the least muscle.
6. You'll build stronger bones.
Just 16 weeks of WT can increase hip bone density and elevated
blood levels of osteocalcin (a marker of bone growth) by 19%.
7. You'll get into shape faster.
Circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 bpm higher
than if you ran at 60-70% of your max heart rate. This type of
workout can strengthen muscle while getting cardiovascular benefit.
8. Your heart will be healthier.
Regular total body weight workouts can lower blood pressure enough
to reduce the risk of stroke by 40% and chance of heart attack 15%.
9. You'll be more productive.
Workers are shown to be 15% more productive on days they exercised.
10. You'll live longer.
Total body strength is linked to lower risks of death from
cardiovascular disease and cancer. And scientists found that being
strong during middle age is associated with "exceptional survival",
defined as living to the age of 85 without developing a major disease.
11. You'll be happier.
Researchers found that people who did 3 weight workouts a week for
6 months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger
and overall mood.
12. You'll be even smarter.
Muscles strengthen your body AND mind by enhancing cognitive
function. Regular WT results in better short- and long-term memory,
improved verbal reasoning and a longer attention span.
Only about a fifth of females strength train 2 or more times a week. I
know how much fun Zumba classes are, and how easy it is to throw on Nikes
and walk through the neighborhood. But weight training is needed too and
as you can see is well worth the effort!
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